Testifying at the Idaho State Legislature in 2025
Before we start, keep in mind:
You will be signing up to testify for a specific bill, not a committee meeting. Make sure you know the bill number you’re testifying on.
💡Bills on the committee page will have a number and a description, but it might be technical or unclear, so make sure you check the Idaho Legislature’s bill tracker to find bills and their location.
Be sure to listen to the testimonies before you and notice any emerging themes. Make your testimony stand out by sharing how the policy personally impacts you. More on this in Craft Your Testimony in 5 Steps.
If you need any assistance (navigating the building, securing an ASL interpreter, obtaining a wheelchair or electric scooter for navigating through the building, or anything else), contact the Legislative Information Center.
How to Register:
Click the plus (+) button next to each step of the registration process for more details.
First, register on the committee page on the state’s legislative page (which you can do through this website). If you’re unsure of which committee, check out the Idaho Legislature’s bill tracker.
In the embedded window for the state’s website, select the “Testimony Registration (Remote & In Person)” tab.
Scroll down to the meeting and find the bill number in the Subject column. Click the blue button that says “Register to Testify (Remote or In-Person)”.
From there, you will select the manner in which you want to testify.
For or Against (No Testimony)
Remote / Virtual
Unless you select “For or Against (No Testimony)”, you will be asked to enter in your written testimony (or a written copy of your remarks). In addition, you will be asked to fill out the following:
First and last name
Physical home address (this will autofill your district)
Phone number
Your view on the bill (for or against)
Once you submit, you will receive an email confirmation.
If you’re having trouble registering or participating remotely, please email RemoteTestimonyHelp@lso.idaho.gov or call (208) 332-1292.
You can also call my legislative office number at (208) 332-1131 and my staff can help you get registered!
What to Expect:
The committee chair will announce the specific bill up for discussion.
The bill sponsor speaks first, then the Chair will open the floor to the public for testimony (oftentimes, the Chair will alternate between supporters and opponents of the bill.)
💡Check the agenda ahead of time to see when your bill is up, but know the Chair may change the order if necessary.
All discussion goes through the Chair. You will begin by addressing the Chair and committee members.
For example, if you were testifying before the House Education Committee and I asked you a question after you gave your testimony, you would answer by saying “Mr. Chair, Representative Mathias,...”
Give your testimony and don’t forget to stick around for questions.
This is your chance to talk directly to the policymakers. Be thoughtful and intentional with your testimony. Legislators may not ask any (especially if there is a lot of testimony), but you’re welcome to offer to stand for questions.
Registering doesn’t guarantee you will testify. The Chair may limit public testimony.
Make sure to submit your testimony in written form to have your statement on record.
Crafting Your Testimony in 5 Steps
1. Begin by addressing the Committee Chair and members.
“Good afternoon, Madam Chair and members of the committee.”
2. Introduce yourself: your name, address (for the public record), and your position.
“My name is Jane Smith, I live at [Idaho city/town of residence], and I’m here to testify in favor of House Bill X.”
3. Reference something in your background to connect why you care about the issue.
“As an educator, I see every day how our children are going without the supplies they need.”
4. Say what the bill will do and why the impact is good or bad.
“This bill will provide the critical funding our classrooms and children need to be successful.”
5. Wrap up by restating how you want the committee to vote. Offer to stand for any questions.
“I urge you to vote to send this bill to the House floor with a Do Pass recommendation. Thank you. I’ll stand for any questions from the committee.”
Download my printable resource:
If you need assistance or can’t find what you need here, contact the Legislative Information Center:
Local: 208-332-1000
Hearing Impaired: 800-626-0471
Email: idleginfo@lso.idaho.gov
ASL Interpreters are available when needed. You will need to give 24 hour notice to secure an interpreter.
Accessible seating will be made available upon request at the committee room. Please make the request to security personnel or the committee page.
A wheelchair and electric scooter are available for public use and can be reserved at the Legislative Information Center.
Assisted Listening Devices are available at Capitol security stations located throughout the Capitol.
Screen readers and other adaptive technology are compatible with the Idaho Legislature’s website.