Your voice matters.

Whether it’s giving public testimony (in person or virtually), emailing, calling, or meeting with your legislator, remember: be intentional, thoughtful, and specific.

Click here to view committees, select which committee you want to testify in, and then click the “Testimony Registration (Remote & In Person)” tab to register. Note: you may register in person to testify.

Be Intentional:

Do: Engage with purpose. Make sure you're reaching out to applicable lawmakers and committees who actually have a say in your issue of concern.
Don't: Use copy/paste forms to spam legislators, without regard to their stance or influence on a bill.

Be Thoughtful:

Do: Use measured and respectful discourse to share your perspective.

Don’t: Resort to personal attacks or threats.

Be Specific:

Do: Keep your message focused on the bill and desired outcome.
Don’t: Make broad, sweeping accusations or assumptions.

Don’t: Make misleading or false statements of fact.

Crafting Your Testimony in 5 Steps

1. Begin by addressing the Committee Chair and members.

“Good afternoon, Madam Chair and members of the committee.”


2. Introduce yourself: your name, city/town of residence (for the public record), and your position.

“My name is Jane Smith, I live in Boise, Idaho and I’m here to testify in favor of House Bill 1.”


3. Reference something in your background to connect why you care about this issue.

“As an educator, I see every day how our children are going without the supplies they need.”


4. Say what the bill will do and why that impact is good or bad.

“This bill will provide the critical funding our classrooms and children need to be successful.”


5. Wrap up by restating how you want the committee to vote. Offer to stand for any questions.

“I urge you to vote to send this bill to the House floor with a Do Pass recommendation. Thank you. I’ll stand for any questions from the committee.”

If you’re having trouble registering or participating remotely, please email or call (208) 332-1292.

Having trouble and can’t find what you need here?

Contact the Legislative Information Center:

Local: 208-332-1000

Hearing Impaired: 800-626-0471



  • ASL Interpreters are available when needed. You will need to give 24 hours’ notice to secure an interpreter.

  • Accessible seating will be made available upon request at the committee room. Please make the request to security personnel or the committee page.

  • A wheelchair and electric scooter are available for public use and can be reserved at the Legislative Information Center.

  • Assisted Listening Devices are available at Capitol security stations located throughout the Capitol.

  • Screen readers and other adaptive technology are compatible with the Idaho Legislature’s website.